Monday, October 22, 2012

Dear Diabetes

Dear Diabetes,

It's me,Nora. Why do you have to make my life so miserable? Why can't I just be like most of the other 12 year olds in the world? You surely get in the way of a LOT but, it doesn't stop me though. I just walk right past you. I really hate you thing I do like about you, is that you ONLY make me strong. So I guess no thank you but thank you? are complicated. Whenever I'm playing a sport you just HAVE to mess with me. I mean like excuse me but, when I play sports it's MY free time, not yours. I am not being selfish. If anyone is being's you. You just take my life away and not in a good way. This past summer you just had to get into my sister. Is this a joke to you? It's not a joke to anyone else. Well...I'm not waisting anymore time on you right now.
Not Yours Truly,

p.s. to anyone else that is suffering with T1D 💙STAY STRONG💙

1 comment:

  1. did it again!! You are such a brave, strong girl that just happens to have diabetes. I'm actually speechless right now...I know, hard to believe, right? I'm so proud of you. It's because of your strength that has shown your sister that she can be strong too. What a great characteristic to show and pass along! I love you!!
